The true value of an asset, such as a PV solar park, is the capacity, production and income over the full lifetime of the investment. Putting this in perspective, critical choices should be made at the earliest stage of the project, to secure the performance of the infrastructure over the total predicted lifetime, and to safeguard the expected income. The essence of decision making is to prevail the value of each kWh over the cost of each kWp installed. In order words, ensure that every component of the installation is manufactured by reputable, trustworthy and reliable specialists at a realistic price level.
This is one of the reasons that we, as Energy for Them, will select world-recognized partners of German, Western, Japanese, and Taiwanese origin; companies with high quality sense in their nerves. To join with price fighting Chinese suppliers will eventually jeopardize our quality level, and will put your projects on risk. Being expert in solar technology we question the quality of the components when offered far below the regular market prices of our key and preferred suppliers.
As a developer of PV solar projects, and being active in a very competitive market, we require and expect the best possible offers from our suppliers, taken the high volumes of material procurement into account. Only production facilities consisting of highly automated, efficient production lines, and high precision machines, ensuring unsurpassed level of production uniformity at the lowest possible cost, will be contacted. Our quality policy is applied to all processes within the company by streamlining the organization, and by keeping total control, we optimize each step of the developing process.
To better understand the considerable price difference of 15-20% with price fighting Chinese suppliers, we have investigated internal processes of a reputable solar module manufacturer, and have come to the conclusion that the difference only can be achieved by undermining critical solar production procedures, in terms of material selection, shortening lamination sequences, and compromising solar quality in general; applying lower grade solar cells, flammable backsheets, inferior resins, quicker adhesive procedures, lacking seal between frame and glass, unclean processes, will bring ultimately the cost down, and the customer will face the consequences, eventually.
‘The China General Certification Center [CGCC] has come to the conclusion that about 30% of the country’s PV solar systems show various problems three [3] years or more after installation, mainly caused by the poor quality of the modules. For some systems installed only three [3] years ago, the PV modules’ power generating capacity has decreased by over 68% according to CGCC. Some of the installations even have shown the depreciation of 30% within one [1] year.
Some contractors are careless in selection and construction or dishonest by using inferior PV modules and materials, just to be financial competitive to win the contract. And some investors do not have enough know-how to check the construction, resulting in bad quality of the systems, built-in hot-spots and micro-cracks in the PV mo-dules, causing the investigated fast depreciation.
Even when the turn-key installation cost is as low as USD $ 1.00 per Wp, the discovered damage will top over USD $ 3,300,000,000.= in total, knowing that the system made up will have to be abandoned after five [5] years.’
DIGITIMES [Friday 26 December 2014]
PV modules’ power generating capacity has decreased by over 68% according to CGCC within 3 years
Quality has its price, quality will cost money
By sharing detailed information with you, we are confident that you will acknowledge the importance to understand the delicate and fragile properties of the main components during the manufacturing process of solar components. We are able to give you an insight of the essence to treat each element of the products with absolute care, and with a rigid quality and safety regime. Only than your investment will be effective and safe during your expected timeframe.
Making the right choices, beginning with selecting the right partner, will do the trick. Choose on quality only, rather than take the risks that low pricing will bring your projects in trouble.