Having an O&M (operations & maintenance) company that can service utility scale and commercial photovoltaic systems takes much of the stress out of the equation. Not only can this type of company perform the necessary scheduled maintenance, they also will manage anomaly alerts, make system repairs, evaluate network voltage and frequency, monitor and report on energy production, and other critical factors related to the solar array. Read more
When it comes to solar power plants, a critical consideration to achieving maximum power output is the ongoing operation and maintenance (O&M) following the commissioning of the system. Although solar installations are highly reliable and designed to run with minimal manpower, efficiency will be lost and energy generation decreased if not maintained properly. Read more
Sale of PV panels, LED light, off grid lanternpoles | total parkmanagement Solar parcs |Engineering of solar parcs (Geo, modulair etc) | training local staff solar parcs | contracts and financing solar parcs | Trouble shooting engineering solar parcs | Inspection/monitoring solar parcs (with drones)
The true value of an asset, such as a PV solar park, is the capacity, production and income over the full lifetime of the investment. Putting this in perspective, critical choices should be made at the earliest stage of the project, to secure the performance of the infrastructure over the total predicted lifetime, and to safeguard the expected income. Read more